Corporate Social Responsability Project

Let's plant life

General goal

By planting medicinal plants "Elder" it trying to give to the community of Moralba´s neighborhood a cleaner environment, improving forests and near reserves to the Colorado Jet stream and contributing to the community people health.

Specific goals

• Mitigate the effects of air pollution through tree planting, so it is possible to prevent multiple diseases caused by harmful gases such as CO2 and gives to the Moralba´s community a cleaner environment.

•Contribute to the reduction of global warming and other phenomena that have been caused by human intervention in the world, and therefore give to mother nature of what it has given to us.

• Renew Moralba´s neighborhood forests, and prevent the weakening of the soil, which can cause landslides.



June 1th, 2010: On this date be carried out planting trees in the Moralba school periphery.

June 8th, 2010: Water the trees planted, to make them grow and bloom quickly and effectively.

June 15th, 2010: Cleaning scheduled , in addition to fertilize and seed the planted trees.

June 22d, 2010: Take pictures for the social responsibility project, including the activities done in planting, fertilizing and watering trees.

June 29th, 2010: Plant new plants on the school periphery, more exactly roses.

August 7th, 2010: We will meet for another organic fertilizer, made from cows manure.

August 11th, 2010: Hare a new cleaning and irrigation of our crop plants.

First part
The day July 22, 2010, took place on corporate social responsibility project developed by Strong Hair. The first step in cleaning up the site was adjacent to the creek "Chorro Colorado, where he would carry out the planting of various plants, including elderberry. The second step was the planting of vegetables. After planting, we proceeded to add organic fertilizer, mainly made of cow dung. Finally, he made a risk to plants, in order to grow and bloom quickly and efficiently.

In the photos above, you can appreciate the work done by the Strong Hair members cleaning the place, the seed and fertilizing plants

In the above video you can see some pictures on the development of the Strong Hair corporate social responsibility project.

Second part

Draft conclusions

Strong hair company in its social responsability project which consisted of planting trees, carried out several activities to improve the environment and thus to promote the people´s quality of Moralba´s neighborhood. Some of the activities are rescue the green area surrounding the school, because it was badly polluted by the wasre management and the soil erosion caused by chemicals such non-biodegradable bags.

Our company is an effort to rescue the green area begining with garbage cleaning, this activity is managed saving trees with their roots in soil erosion. The other is planting trees in critical areas of the green area. So, the Strong Hair company reached the goal of leaving a memory to the school and the neighborhood comunity.

During the course of improving the green area there were 4 main problems that supported our project:

  1. The poor condition of the ground because it was infertile and it was not suitable for planting trees. 
  2. The amount of trash and glass that hindered the planting of trees. 
  3. The land was combined with clay.
  4. The amount of pine trees that had pikes and diddicult to clean the green zone. 
For this reason those problems were faced and implemented the following solutions: 

Bring and use potting soil for planting trees to clean up garbage in the green zone, bringing organic compounds such as banana peels, eggshells, among others, and remove the pine trees with a machete to facilitate planting. 

As a result of our social responsability project achievement we have a green area in better condition. The enviroment work allowed people to do the best to the enviroment and improve their quality of life. 


Making Homemade gel

About our corporate social project

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